Hello, my name is Mayra.

During the day I work as a User Experience Designer in Berlin, but at night I turn into a Lettering and Sketching-Ninja, constantly seeking for inspiration. I am very enthusiastic about my work and take every chance to share my knowledge and inspire others.


Sketchnotes are a form of visual note-taking, combining words and images and a funny way of capturing ideas. I started taking real-time visual notes during a conference in 2012 and have been trying to improve my skills since then. I take every chance to practice i.e. during meetings, lectures, or conferences.


I also run Sketching-Workshops for teams and create visual recordings at events. I can't imagine my life without sketchnotes anymore!



Lettering is the art of drawing letters. In my opinion it requires more practice than "sketchnoting". The key to mastering it is practice. You can use any kind of pen, including fine liners, markers and my favorite ones, the brush pens.


Recently I have been using the  iPad Pro for lettering, but I am constantly trying out new techniques (digital and analog) and materials. Take a look at my artwork and let me know what you think!.



I have been creative since I was little. In grade school, art projects were my favorite part of class. So I think it is no surprise that I decided to study something related to design.


Now, as a User Experience Desginer, I have the chance to use all this creativity and sketching skills to create great digital products!

Take a look at some of my design projects.




Recent artwork

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